Songs they never play on the radio
As the cobwebs fall on the shipping record
The needle skips a groove
They hate to say they told you so
When they tell you so
And that no-good so and so
Will be coming round the sweet by and by
Just to claim what he claims he's owed though
I know he's owed just about half of nothing at all
Well, what's that song they played
The day you went away?
Oh, what's that song they played
The day you went away?
A song about what it's like to knock about with
Somebody who you'd quite like to knock about with you
Why did you go away?
What about that pact we made?
You could have stayed, why did you go away?
Songs that they never play on the radio
We can download it for free and save some dough
Songs that they never play on your radio
You could download it for free and save your soul
Songs they never play on the radio
As the cobwebs fall on the old shipping record
The needle skips a groove
They hate to say they told you so
And they tell you so
And that no-good so and so
Will be round again, so round we go along
As the cobwebs fall on the shipping record
The needle skips a groove
They hate to say they told you so
When they tell you so
And that no-good so and so
Will be coming round the sweet by and by
Just to claim what he claims he's owed though
I know he's owed just about half of nothing at all
Well, what's that song they played
The day you went away?
Oh, what's that song they played
The day you went away?
A song about what it's like to knock about with
Somebody who you'd quite like to knock about with you
Why did you go away?
What about that pact we made?
You could have stayed, why did you go away?
Songs that they never play on the radio
We can download it for free and save some dough
Songs that they never play on your radio
You could download it for free and save your soul
Songs they never play on the radio
As the cobwebs fall on the old shipping record
The needle skips a groove
They hate to say they told you so
And they tell you so
And that no-good so and so
Will be round again, so round we go along
but please don’t - please don’t break my heart…
please don’t shot me again
i’ve felt the wrath of your disdain
and i’ve never felt such pain
before or since
and if it’s love you’re looking for
then i can give it all and more
and i can show you once and for all
what love truly is
Thought I saw you in the battleship
But it was only a look a like
She was nothing but a vision trick
Under the warning light
She was close, close enough to be your ghost
But my chances turned to toast
When I asked her if I could call her your name
I thought I saw you in the rusty hook
Huddled up in wicker chair
I wandered up for a closer look
And kissed who ever was sitting there
She was close, and she held me very tightly
Till I asked awfully politely, please
Can I call you her name
And I elongated my lift home,
Yeah I let him go the long way round
I smelt your scent on the seatbelt
And kept my shortcuts to myself
I thought I saw you in the parrots beak
Messing with the smoke alarm
It was too loud for me to hear her speak
And she had a broken arm
It was close, so close that the walls were wet
And she wrote it out in letraset
No you can't call me her name
Tell me where's your hiding place
I'm worried I'll forget your face
And I've asked everyone
And I'm beginning to think I imagined you all along
I elongated my lift home
Yeah I let him go the long way round
I smelt your scent on the seatbelt
And kept my shortcuts to myself
I saw your sister in the cornerstone
On the phone to the middle man
When I saw that she was on her own
I thought she might understand
She was close, well you couldn't get much closer
She said I'm really not supposed to but yes,
You can call me anything you want
But it was only a look a like
She was nothing but a vision trick
Under the warning light
She was close, close enough to be your ghost
But my chances turned to toast
When I asked her if I could call her your name
I thought I saw you in the rusty hook
Huddled up in wicker chair
I wandered up for a closer look
And kissed who ever was sitting there
She was close, and she held me very tightly
Till I asked awfully politely, please
Can I call you her name
And I elongated my lift home,
Yeah I let him go the long way round
I smelt your scent on the seatbelt
And kept my shortcuts to myself
I thought I saw you in the parrots beak
Messing with the smoke alarm
It was too loud for me to hear her speak
And she had a broken arm
It was close, so close that the walls were wet
And she wrote it out in letraset
No you can't call me her name
Tell me where's your hiding place
I'm worried I'll forget your face
And I've asked everyone
And I'm beginning to think I imagined you all along
I elongated my lift home
Yeah I let him go the long way round
I smelt your scent on the seatbelt
And kept my shortcuts to myself
I saw your sister in the cornerstone
On the phone to the middle man
When I saw that she was on her own
I thought she might understand
She was close, well you couldn't get much closer
She said I'm really not supposed to but yes,
You can call me anything you want
Me li ha fatti scoprire il mio Pimp!!!
can blame it on your teachers
you can blame it on the weather
can blame it on how your mother and your father didn't stick together
someday darlin its got to make sense in your head
can't make up your mind till you wake up and make your bed
you can blame it on the weather
can blame it on how your mother and your father didn't stick together
someday darlin its got to make sense in your head
can't make up your mind till you wake up and make your bed
Herman Dune...
I wish that i could see you soon
The angels go...
How long do you can't see her?
And i'm like : the sooner the better
do you really think she'll wait for you?
Well i have no way to say and there's nothing i can do
The angels go...
How long do you can't see her?
And i'm like : the sooner the better
do you really think she'll wait for you?
Well i have no way to say and there's nothing i can do
A little joy to cheer u up...
frankly dear the drifters had it right
stayed the afternoon and left at night even though we have to say goodbye
keep me in mind
stayed the afternoon and left at night even though we have to say goodbye
keep me in mind
The Lemonheads and the legendary Evan Dando
I Just Can't Take It Anymore / Fragile / Layin' Up With Linda / Waiting Around To Die
The Wire-Fragile
I made a shrine that stands here for you
I see you are an angel all the things that you do
No one knows tomorrow the future stands to find
this rockets starts ablazing so for you
I stellify...
I see you are an angel all the things that you do
No one knows tomorrow the future stands to find
this rockets starts ablazing so for you
I stellify...
Best band,almost ever!!!!
And a special mention to them,they were having their time of their life ;)
And a special mention to them,they were having their time of their life ;)
"If god could make the perfect girl for me it would be you
and my god told me not tell about how much do you love your fella?"
I don't know more everyday not in this new romantic way...
Laura Marling-New Romantic
and my god told me not tell about how much do you love your fella?"
I don't know more everyday not in this new romantic way...
Laura Marling-New Romantic
Its never enought to say amen
so tell me something
see i want it all and so do you
so tell me have you
nothing to say, nothing to do
or to loose
it tears me apart
it tells me alot that i should
hear you saying
i won't let you down
or suffer the clown now that i'm not around
oh my life its true
so suffer the fool now that you seem to almost
care enough to save a prayer for me
now and again i cut myself
so do i need help
i'd be over the moon to be over you
so tell me have you
nothing to say, nothing to do
or to loose
it tears me apart
it tells me alot that i should
hear you saying
i won't let you down
or suffer the clown now that i'm not around
oh my life its true
so suffer the fool now that you seem to almost
care enough to save a prayer for
i was almost there when i nearly lost myself again
will you let me in
its easy but its wrong to give in
oh i give in
so there wasn't enough to see this through
but i'll live without you
i won't let you down
or suffer the clown now that i'm not around
oh my life its true
so suffer the fool now that you seem to almost
care enough to save a prayer for
save a prayer for me
Bruno-Dove of peace
I've written a song
That I hope is gonna bring ze vorld together… (Together…together…together)
Put down your guns and bombs
And just make love forever (Okay then)
He's come to heal the world
And make all nations calmer
I am the Austrian Jesus
He is the white Obama (He's the white Obama)
War's just based on hate and fear
Stop fighting North and South Korea
You're both basically Chinese
He's Bruno, dove of peace
Hey yo Bruno, where the bitches at?
You are Bruno, dove of peace
You're a fashion model, you got the (chic comb)?
You are Bruno, dove of peace
(No I love black guys, I'm a chocoholic)
He is Bruno, dove of peace
Bruno wants peace
And you gonna have peace
Or we gonna have mother-fucking war
I have a dream for the Third World
Clean water, food, and teaching
In every village and every town
A place for anal bleaching
We need to rid the world of hunger
I’m like Bono except much younger
He’s only nineteen
Ich bin Bruno, dove of peace
Hey, hey, he gay, he gay
And the weather's good
People started caring about what they eat
And people started smiling at everyone they meet
And people started looking for good instead of bad
Realize what they could lose in what they always had
People started growing, instead of being crushed
And people started slowing down instead of being rushed
And people started looking with very different eyes
And this information now comes as a surprise
Good morning here's the news and all of it is good
Good evening here's the news and all of it is good
And the weather's good!
People started calling those in power to account
And people started saying, "I want my voice to count"
And people started learning that they don't need to fight
And they control their future and try to make it right
And people started feeling that better's on the way
And people started feeling some peace and calm today
And people started liking the way that good life feels
And every precious moment becoming what is real
Good morning here's the news and all of it is good
Good evening here's the news and all of it is good
And the weather's good!
People started caring about what they eat
And people started smiling at everyone they meet
And people started looking for good instead of bad
Realize what they could lose in what they always had
People started growing, instead of being crushed
And people started slowing down instead of being rushed
And people started looking with very different eyes
And this information now comes as a surprise
Good morning here's the news and all of it is good
Good evening here's the news and all of it is good
And the weather's good!
Carbon Silicon-The news
Bremen Nacht
I musicanti di Brema
Un uomo aveva un asino che lo aveva servito assiduamente per molti anni ma ora le forze lo abbandonavano e di giorno in giorno diveniva sempre più incapace di lavorare. Allora il padrone pensò di toglierlo di mezzo, ma l’asino si accorse che non tirava buon vento, scappò e prese la via di Brema: là, pensava, avrebbe potuto fare parte della banda municipale. Dopo aver camminato un po’, trovò un cane da caccia che giaceva sulla strada, ansando come uno sfinito dalla corsa. “Perché‚ soffi così?” domandò l’asino. “Ah,” rispose il cane, “siccome sono vecchio e divento ogni giorno più debole e non posso più andare a caccia, il mio padrone voleva accopparmi, e allora me la sono data a gambe; ma adesso come farò a guadagnarmi il pane?” - “Sai?” disse l’asino. “Io vado a Brema a fare il musicante, vieni anche tu e fatti assumere nella banda.” Il cane era d’accordo e andarono avanti. Poco dopo trovarono per strada un gatto dall’aspetto molto afflitto. “Ti è andato storto qualcosa?” domandò l’asino. “Come si fa a essere allegri se ne va di mezzo la pelle? Dato che invecchio, i miei denti si smussano e preferisco starmene a fare le fusa accanto alla stufa invece di dare la caccia ai topi, la mia padrona ha tentato di annegarmi; l’ho scampata, è vero, ma adesso è un bel pasticcio: dove andrò?” - “Vieni con noi a Brema: ti intendi di serenate, puoi entrare nella banda municipale.” Il gatto acconsentì e andò con loro. Poi i tre fuggiaschi passarono davanti a un cortile; sul portone c’era il gallo del pollaio che strillava a più non posso. “Strilli da rompere i timpani,” disse l’asino, “che ti piglia?” - “Ho annunciato il bel tempo,” rispose il gallo, “perché‚ è il giorno in cui la Madonna ha lavato le camicine a Gesù Bambino e vuol farle asciugare; ma domani, che è festa, verranno ospiti, e la padrona di casa, senza nessuna pietà, ha detto alla cuoca che vuole mangiarmi lesso, così questa sera devo lasciarmi tagliare il collo. E io grido a squarciagola finché‚ posso.” - “Macché‚ Cresta rossa,” disse l’asino, “vieni piuttosto con noi, andiamo a Brema; qualcosa meglio della morte lo trovi dappertutto; tu hai una bella voce e, se faremo della musica tutti insieme, sarà una bellezza!” Al gallo piacque la proposta e se ne andarono tutti e quattro.
Ma non potevano raggiungere Brema in un giorno e la sera giunsero in un bosco dove si apprestarono a passare la notte. L’asino e il cane si sdraiarono sotto un albero alto, mentre il gatto e il gallo salirono sui rami, ma il gallo volò fino in cima, dov’egli era più al sicuro. Prima di addormentarsi guardò ancora una volta in tutte le direzioni, e gli parve di vedere in lontananza una piccola luce, così gridò ai compagni che, non molto distante, doveva esserci una casa poiché‚ splendeva un lume. Allora l’asino disse: “Mettiamoci in cammino e andiamo, perché‚ qui l’alloggio è cattivo.” E il cane aggiunse: “Sì, un paio d’ossa e un po’ di carne mi andrebbero anche bene!” Perciò si avviarono verso la zona da cui proveniva la luce e, ben presto, la videro brillare più chiara e sempre più grande, finché‚ giunsero davanti a una casa bene illuminata dove abitavano i briganti. L’asino, che era il più alto, si avvicinò alla finestra e guardò dentro. “Cosa vedi, testa grigia?” domandò il gallo. “Cosa vedo?” rispose l’asino. “Una tavola apparecchiata con ogni ben di Dio e attorno i briganti che se la spassano.” - “Farebbe proprio al caso nostro,” disse il gallo. “Sì, sì; ah, se fossimo là dentro!” esclamò l’asino. Allora gli animali tennero consiglio sul modo di cacciar fuori i briganti, e alla fine trovarono il sistema. L’asino dovette appoggiarsi alla finestra con le zampe davanti, il cane saltare sul dorso dell’asino, il gatto arrampicarsi sul cane, e infine il gallo si alzò in volo e si posò sulla testa del gatto. Fatto questo, a un dato segnale incominciarono tutti insieme il loro concerto: l’asino ragliava, il cane abbaiava, il gatto miagolava e il gallo cantava; poi dalla finestra piombarono nella stanza facendo andare in pezzi i vetri. I briganti, spaventati da quell’orrendo schiamazzo, credettero che fosse entrato uno spettro e fuggirono atterriti nel bosco. I quattro compagni sedettero a tavola, si accontentarono di quello che era rimasto e mangiarono come se dovessero patir la fame per un mese.
Quando ebbero finito, i quattro musicisti spensero la luce e si cercarono un posto per dormire comodamente, ciascuno secondo la propria natura. L’asino si sdraiò sul letamaio, il cane dietro la porta, il gatto sulla cenere calda del camino e il gallo si posò sulla trave maestra; e poiché‚ erano tanto stanchi per il lungo cammino, si addormentarono subito. Passata la mezzanotte, i briganti videro da lontano che in casa non ardeva più nessun lume e tutto sembrava tranquillo; allora il capo disse: “Non avremmo dovuto lasciarci impaurire” e mandò uno a ispezionare la casa. Costui trovò tutto tranquillo andò in cucina ad accendere un lume e, scambiando gli occhi sfavillanti del gatto per carboni ardenti, vi accostò uno zolfanello perché‚ prendesse fuoco. Ma il gatto se n’ebbe a male e gli saltò in faccia, sputando e graffiando. Il brigante si spaventò a morte e tentò di fuggire dalla porta sul retro, ma là era sdraiato il cane che saltò su e lo morse a una gamba; e quando attraversò dl corsa il cortile, passando davanti al letamaio, l’asino gli diede un bel calcio con la zampa di dietro; e il gallo, che si era svegliato per il baccano, strillò tutto arzillo dalla sua trave: “Chicchiricchì!” Allora il brigante tornò dal suo capo correndo a più non posso e disse: “Ah, in casa c’è un’orribile strega che mi ha soffiato addosso e mi ha graffiato la faccia con le sue unghiacce e sulla porta c’è un uomo con un coltello che mi ha ferito alla gamba; e nel cortile c’è un mostro nero che mi si è scagliato contro con una mazza di legno; e in cima al tetto il giudice gridava: ‘Portatemi quel furfante!’ Allora me la sono data a gambe!” Da quel giorno i briganti non si arrischiarono più a ritornare nella casa, ma i quattro musicanti di Brema ci stavano così bene che non vollero andarsene. E a chi per ultimo l’ha raccontata ancor la bocca non s’è freddata.
The Fall-Bremen Nacht Run Out
When promises were meant to keep and night-time wasn`t meant for sleep a love story at it`s peak...
honey i told you
that these things never last
and one of these days now
you`ll start dreaming of the past
when life was once too short for all the things we`d do and the shots we`d call
and endless summer without a fall
when promises were meant to keep
and nighttime wasn`t meant for sleep
a love story at it`s peak
doesn`t it feel good
to know that you`ve been loved
and doesn`t it make you
laugh when you think of
the day when we all got lost on the old mans farm
just trying to get across
it was only then i knew what love was
sunday mornings that never ended and hangovers that never mended
a love story at it`s peak
It's my direction...
It's my direction
It's my proposal
It's so hard
It's leading me astray
My obsession
It's my creation
You'll understand
It's not important now
My situation
Its imagination
There's no excuse
It's instantly a game
The conversation
The combination
I tell the truth
My feelings still remain
All I need is
I can't imagine
My destination
My intention
Ask my opinion
But no excuse
My feelings still remain
My feelings still remain
The way we sleep all summer...

Listen to them doing a cover of muchforgottenbutican'tunderstand why Crooked Fingers
The National and St.Vincent-Sleep all summer
Crooked Fingers Cover-Sleep all summer
And when I told her I didn't love her anymore,She cried
And when I told her her kisses were not like before,She cried
And when I told her another girl had caught my eye,She cried
And then I kissed her with a kiss
That could only mean goodbye.

The Horrors-Primary Colours
And when I told her her kisses were not like before,She cried
And when I told her another girl had caught my eye,She cried
And then I kissed her with a kiss
That could only mean goodbye.

The Horrors-Primary Colours

"That party last night was awfully crazy I wish we taped it
I danced my ass off and had this one girl completely naked
Drink my beer and smoke my weed but my good friends is all I need
Pass out at 3, wake up at 10, go out to eat then do it again
Man, I love college"
Asher Roth-I love college
Donde està el grano?

"Esto que yo siento
es solo el silbar del viento
esto es el mi tormiento
porqué non siento a te
esto que yo siento
es solo el silbar del viento
esto es el mi tormiento
porqué non siento a te
donde està el grano
donde està el grano
donde està el grano
donde està la rosa
que tu he sembrado
el año pasado
en el mi corazòn"
Fine Bones
If i said, how i need you
that i want you, you'd know
how the hours, when you're with him
just leave me, cut through cut through
if i said, i need your fine bones
you'd think it funny, i know
when the world
is a forgone conclusion, to you, to you
when i think about the problems
maybe we could work them through
relocate the trouble
from the way i cling to you, cling to you
if i said, how i'm sorry
i didn't mean to be cruel
i said these words, as i'm broken
and your tears made me whole
when i think about the problems
maybe we could work them through
relocate the trouble
from the way i cling to you
when i think about the problems
maybe we could work them through
relocate the trouble
from the way i cling to you, cling to you
Harper Lee-Fine Bones
that i want you, you'd know
how the hours, when you're with him
just leave me, cut through cut through
if i said, i need your fine bones
you'd think it funny, i know
when the world
is a forgone conclusion, to you, to you
when i think about the problems
maybe we could work them through
relocate the trouble
from the way i cling to you, cling to you
if i said, how i'm sorry
i didn't mean to be cruel
i said these words, as i'm broken
and your tears made me whole
when i think about the problems
maybe we could work them through
relocate the trouble
from the way i cling to you
when i think about the problems
maybe we could work them through
relocate the trouble
from the way i cling to you, cling to you
Harper Lee-Fine Bones
Grandissimi ieri sera Villa Serra!!Bacini e Rock'n'Roll
Tre Allegri ragazzi Morti-Gira il mondo( Daft Punk cover)
Tre Allegri Ragazzi Morti-Occhi Bassi
Questa è per il Freddo ;)
Tre Allegri Ragazzi Morti-Occhi Bassi
Questa è per il Freddo ;)
Le cose succedono...
...Sostengo e sosteniamo fortissimamente Nome,un singolo incredibile e un video con Weiss delle Sickgirls!!!LOVE IT :)
Le cose succedono
Le cose succedono
Bloody Motherfucking Asshole

When lyrics mean everything:
You say my time here has been some sort of joke
That I've been messing around
Some sort of incubating period
For when I really come around
But I'm cracking up
And you have no idea
No idea how it feels to be on your own
In your own home
With the fucking phone
And the mother of gloom
In your bedroom
Standing over your head
With her hand in your head
With her hand in your head...
Martha Wainwirght-Bloody Motherfucking Asshole
Candy for you
Darling I’ll bathe your skin
I’ll even wash your clothes
Just give me some candy, before I go!
I’ll even wash your clothes
Just give me some candy, before I go!
Another great band from 2005.Hope Edward Larrikin will put some great stuff out!!
There must be angel (playing with my heart)
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